Monday, July 20, 2009

NJ Knockouts Seek Writers and Bloggers

The New Jersey Knockouts, a member of the United States Chess League, starts its third season later this summer. Team members include GM Joel Benjamin, GM Boris Gulko, IM Dean Ippolito, among others. We are looking for interested people who would like to contribute to the NJKO blog and website, by doing player interviews, match previews, match wrapups, and general interest articles on the Knockouts and the USCL. Please contact Rob Bernard, manager of the Knockouts at if you are interested.

Check out the USCL site at , and the NJKO blog at . We hope to hear from some of you.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Knockouts are back!

The New Jersey Knockouts are back, and ready to conquer the United States Chess League!

We have a different roster this year -- many of the old faces are back, but we have new talent that is ready to add extra pop to our collective left hook.

The first new change is that the Knockouts' new manager is your humble blogger. Yes, I'll be taking over the management of the team for 2009. No, I won't be playing any games, as I certainly want to be a positive influence on the team!

Watch this space over the next six weeks for more announcements!